Some of the Iranian exhibition organizers include all the information about the exhibition in books of the exhibition after each period. The book of exhibition not only has the information about the exhibitors, but also it includes all you need to know about the exhibition from product groups to the location of different exhibitors in different ranges. Also in such books, you can usually find some pages specified to VIP companies introducing their products and services.

Why Should I Get the Books of the Previous Periods

  • It helps you find out about the previous periods’ exhibitors, their field of activity, and their contacts
  • It helps you find out more about Iran’s market capabilities according to the product groups and exhibition ranges
  • It provides you with information about the possible partners you can cooperate with
virtual booth d - Previous Periods Books of Exhibition

Contact us and we will get the book for each period you are interested in.

Important Notes

  • Once you confirm your purchase and the book of exhibition is available, the settlements should be taken care of.